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Services and Medications - Subject Release

This measure appears in the following time-points: Release.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

Participation in both residential and community-based social services is assessed through a modified version of the Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA; Burns, et al., 1992). In the release interview, participants are asked if they have received an array of services during their stay at the institution (e.g., alcohol/drug treatment, psychiatric treatment, family counseling, religious services, etc.). If endorsed, follow-up questions obtain the frequency of receiving these services and the subject's perceived helpfulness of each. Information is also obtained regarding the types of vocational training the subject participated in during their stay (e.g., job skills, computers, machinery, food services, retail/sales, home childcare, or building trades) and the perceived benefit of this training.

Additional questions obtain information on sixteen different programs or services the subject will be involved with after he/she leaves the facility (e.g., probation/parole, mental health, religious services, in-home counseling, school services, etc.). For each program or service the subject endorsed, they were asked if they had already met with someone from the program and if so, how many times.

A history of prescribed medication use both prior to and during their stay is also obtained. Participants were first asked if they were taking any prescription medication prior to coming to the institution and if so, were they still taking them at the time of the interview. We then ask if they have started any new medications during their stay and if so, the medication names are recorded. Each unique medication was subsequently assigned a three-digit code based on the medication name and a three-digit medication classification code (e.g., anti-psychotic vs. antidepressant, etc.). This coding scheme is the same as that used in the timepoint interviews and was originally developed for the MacArthur Risk Assessment study (see Monahan et al, 2001) with new medications added as necessary.

The following computed scores are available:

The following individual items are also available:

Several items in this measure ("have a primary counselor", "have a release counselor", "count of mental health services", and "count of vocational services") were used in the development of the eight dimensions of organizational functioning. A full description of the dimensions can be found in the "Dimensions of Organizational Functioning" codebook section.

Data Issues
