Home > Codebook > Measures > Children's Emotional Intensity Child Report (Walden) - Subject Baseline

Children's Emotional Intensity Child Report (Walden) - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Children's Emotion Regulation scale was adapted for this study to serve as a self-report measure of the adolescent's ability to regulate emotions (Walden, Harris, Weiss, & Catron, 1995). Only a subset (n=12) of the 33 original items contained in this scale are included in the Pathway's version. Examples of items are "I know things to do to make myself more happy," and "I can change my feelings by thinking of something else". Participants respond on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from "Not at all like me" to "Really like me". Higher scores indicate a better ability to regulate emotion.

Initial CFAs fitting a summary score derived from all 12 items included in the interview did not produce an acceptable fit to the baseline data. As a result, a single factor model including just 9 of the 12 items and allowing for limited correlations between the error variances of certain items, was tested for its fit to the baseline data. This model produced an acceptable fit (alpha = .81; NFI=0.951, NNFI=0.938, CFI=0.958, RMSEA=0.06). The computed score is the mean of these nine items.

One score is computed:
