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Substance Abuse - Collateral Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Collat12, Collat24, Collat36.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Substance Use/Abuse Inventory is a modified version of a substance use measure developed by Chassin et al., 1991 for use in a study of children of alcoholics. The collateral measure considers the collateral's report on the adolescent's use of illegal drugs and alcohol within the past year, as well as items assessing lifetime drug and alcohol treatment and social consequences. The collateral's report is comprised of the following subscales: Substance Use (e.g. "How often did X drink alcohol in the past year?") and Social Consequences and Treatment (e.g. "Has X had problems because of his/her drinking, such as trouble at work or school, legal problems, etc.?").

Substance Use

Social Consequences, Dependency & Treatment

Fourteen scores are computed:

The following individual items are also available for this measure:

Data Issues
