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Social Capital - Collateral Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline-Collateral.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The collateral version of the Social Capital Inventory measures the collateral's view of the connectedness an adolescent feels to his/her community (Nagin & Paternoster, 1994). This concept is explored along three dimensions: intergenerational closure (e.g., "How many of the parents of X's friends know you?"), social integration (e.g., "How many of X's teachers do you know by name?"), and perceived opportunity for work (e.g. "Employers around here often hire young people from this neighborhood?"). The measure contains 16 items; however, only 14 are considered in scoring. Higher scores indicate greater degree of community connectedness.

Questions obtaining information specific to the neighborhood in which the subject lives are only asked if the collateral reporter lives with the subject in that neighborhood either currently or sometime during the past six months. Three scores are computed for this measure for subject baseline and subject follow-up, however for the baseline collateral we've created two versions of each variable: one based on all items that make up the summary score (if the collateral lived with the subject), and a second version using only a subset of those items (if the collateral did not live with the subject).

Data Issues

Individual items c0_soccap01 through c0_soccap05, and c0_soccap11 through c0_soccap16 were only asked if the collateral reporter either lived with the subject at the time of the interview or lived with them at some point during the last six months. This is established in variable C0_ColRes; refer to the Parental Monitoring measure for more information about this variable.
