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Services and Medications - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

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Description of Measure

Participation in both residential and community-based social services is assessed through a modified version of the Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA; Burns, et al., 1992). At the baseline interview, subjects are asked if they have received services in a range of settings (e.g., alcohol/drug treatment, psychiatric treatment, hospitalizations, foster care, family counseling, detention/prison/jail stays, priest/minister/clergy visitations) across both the juvenile justice and the mental health sector. Once endorsed, follow-up questions obtain the age at the initial receipt of the treatment and the recency of this service use.

A history of prescribed medication use is also obtained. Medications were elicited through the following question: "Have you ever had a prescription for a medication that was to help you with your emotions or behavior?". We obtain medications used prior to the past six months, those used during the past six months, and medications used at the time of the baseline interview as well as the recency of last dose. Each unique medication was subsequently assigned a three-digit code based on the medication name and a three-digit medication classification code (e.g., anti-psychotic vs. antidepressant, etc.). This coding scheme was originally developed for the MacArthur Risk Assessment study (see Monahan et al, 2001) with new medications added as necessary.

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Data Issues
