Home > Codebook > Measures > Services and Medications - Collateral Follow-up

Services and Medications - Collateral Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Collat12, Collat24, Collat36.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The collateral's recall of the subject's participation in both residential and outpatient social services is assessed through a modified version of the Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA; Burns, et al., 1992). Collateral participants are asked if the subject has received services in a range of settings over the past year (e.g., alcohol/drug treatment, psychiatric treatment, hospitalizations, foster care, family counseling, detention/prison/jail stays, & priest/minister/clergy visitations) across both the juvenile justice and the mental health sector. The collateral also reports on whether the subject has taken any medication over the past year.

The following summary variables are available:

The following individual items are also available:
