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Education (Follow-ups): School Bonding Grades Activities and Orientation - Subject Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Follow06, Follow12, Follow18, Follow24, Follow30, Follow36, Follow48, Follow60, Follow72, Follow84.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

There are several themes to the information obtained from subjects about school: school attachment and descriptive information about the school experience (grades, achievement and involvement in school activities). In addition, starting with version 01.16 of the interview, additional questions are asked regarding college experiences (e.g. attendance, major, financing, attitudes and experiences at college).

School attachment

The school attachment items included are taken from the work of Cernkovich & Giordano (1992). The items are used to evaluate the adolescent's educational experience along two dimensions: Bonding to Teachers (e.g., "Most of my teachers treat me fairly.") and School Orientation (e.g., "Schoolwork is very important to me.") Respondents rate 13 statements, using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree," with higher scores indicating a greater degree of academic commitment. The mean is taken for the items associated with each subscale. The items are first asked regarding the community school which the youth attends and, for youths housed in an institution for three or more months during the recall period, the items are repeated to attain the degree of academic commitment regarding the institutional school.

A two-factor CFA model was applied to the Bonding to Teacher and School Orientation dimensions in the baseline data set, producing an acceptable fit. The following values were obtained: Bonding to teachers alpha: .65; School orientation alpha: .83; NFI: .92; NNFI: .90: CFI: .93 and RMSEA: .07. A one-factor model also produced an acceptable fit. A two-factor CFA model was also fit to these items for youth in school in an institution at the baseline interview. This model was also acceptable: bonding to teacher alpha: .63; school orientation alpha: .88; NFI: .86: NNFI: .92; CFI: .94 and RMSEA: .07.

There was also found to be adequate internal consistency at the follow-up time points. The alphas for community schools for these dimensions for 6 through 84 months are below. For institutions schools, the alphas are provided for 6 through 24 months.

Several computed scores are available relating to School attachment:

Note that the Motivation to Succeed measure offers two additional variables that supplement this measure: "How far you THINK you will go in school" and "How far would you LIKE to go in school". Refer to that codebook section for more information on those variables.

There are three codebook sections that are relevant to school information:

  1. Summary measures regarding the education experience (high school and post-high school) - described in this section.
  2. The monthly calendar data. This codebook section is called the 'School Calendar'.
  3. Markers for academic achievement and participation in post-high school programs. This codebook section is called 'Academic achievement and post-high school program participation'.

Be sure to review the descriptions for each of these codebook sections in order to obtain a complete understanding of the information we have available regarding the education experience.

Descriptive information about school experience

Variables are also available relating to average grades received over the recall period as well as the amount of time spent on homework while in community and institutional school, activities the participant participated in (community and institutional school), attitudes regarding social and academic experiences in college, and the amount of participation in college opportunities.

Data Issues
