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Quality of Romantic Relationships - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Quality of Romantic Relationships inventory was adapted for this study to evaluate the support, conflict, and depth of the adolescent's romantic relationships (Pierce, 1994; Pierce, Sarason, Sarason, Solky-Butzel, & Nagle, 1997). The 26 items in the scale assess the Quality of Relationship (e.g., "In general, how happy are you with your relationship?"), Knowledge of Behavior and Deviance (e.g., "How much does {Name} know who you spend time with?"), and Tolerance of Deviance (e.g., "Would {Name} know if you have been using drugs?"), and Antisocial Influence (e.g., "Has X suggested that you should sell drugs?"). The Antisocial Influence subscale was derived from items mirroring the ones asked regarding peer delinquency; but using the romantic partner, not the peers, as the referent person. In addition, for those youth who live with their romantic partner, two additional questions assess how much the romantic partner monitors the behavior of the participant. For each question, the participant responds on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from "not at all" to "very much"; therefore, higher scores indicating a more symbiotic romantic relationship.

A three factor model including the Quality of Relationship, Knowledge of Behavior, and Tolerance of Deviance subscales (the original model from Pierce et al., 1997) was fit to the baseline data using CFA. The three factor model fit the data adequately (NFI=0.89, NNFI=0.909, CFI=0.924, RMSEA=0.051). The single subscale for Quality of Relationship was also fit to the baseline data as a single scale, also showing adequate consistency and fit on its own (alpha: .69; NFI: .94; NNFI: .94; CFI: .96; RMSEA: .05). Analyses have not been done for the subscales for Antisocial Influence, Antisocial Behavior or Monitoring.

The Quality of Relationship scale was also found to have good internal consistency at the follow-up time points (6 month alpha = .78; 12 month alpha = .80; 18 month alpha = .81; 24 month alpha = .83).

We compute four scores from this measure:

Data Issues
