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Psychosocial Maturity Inventory (PSMI) - Subject Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Follow06, Follow12, Follow18, Follow24, Follow30, Follow36, Follow48, Follow60, Follow72, Follow84.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Psychosocial Maturity Inventory (PSMI Form D; Greenberger, Josselson, Knerr, & Knerr, 1974) has been used in previous research and shown excellent validity and psychometric properties (Greenberger & Bond, 1976). Items on the personal responsibility subscale tap self-reliance (i.e., feelings of internal control and the ability to make decisions without extreme reliance on others, e.g., "Luck decides most things that happen to me" {reverse coded}), identity (i.e., self-esteem, clarity of the self, and consideration of life goals, e.g., "I change the way I feel and act so often that I sometimes wonder who the 'real' me is" {reverse coded}), and work orientation (i.e., pride in the successful completion of tasks, e.g., "I hate to admit it, but I give up on my work when things go wrong" {reverse coded}). The scale contains 30 items to which participants respond on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree". All items in the PSMI (exclusive of psmi18) are reverse coded so that higher scores indicate more responsible behavior.

Confirmatory factor analyses indicate that the overall score has marginal fit to the baseline data. The following values were obtained for a single factor model for this scale: alpha = .89; NFI=0.823, NNFI=0.856, CFI=0.866, and RMSEA=0.044. A three factor model fit using the three subscale scores did not fit the very well (NFI=0.857, NNFI=0.893, CFI=0.901, RMSEA=0.038). Each of the subscales, however, fit the baseline data well as single factors when tested individually (self reliance: alpha = .77, NFI=0.950, NNFI=0.953, CFI=0.964, RMSEA=0.043; identity: alpha = .78, NFI=0.942, NNFI=0.939, CFI=0.952, RMSEA=0.056; work orientation: alpha = .73, NFI=0.963, NNFI=0.971, CFI=0.978, RMSEA=0.032).

Additionally, the Chronbach's alphas for Mexican American youth (N=334) at baseline only are as follows: self reliance .75; identity .76; work orientation .74.

Alphas were also calculated for the follow-up time points. The alphas for the overall score and the three subscales for 6 through 24 month are as follows:

Four scores are calculated:

In addition to the subscale score above, instructions to compute a summary score that combines scores from the PSMI, FOI, WAI and Resistance to Peer Influence is available. This summary score is called maturity of judgment (MOJ). A separate codebook section describes step-by-step instructions for computing the MOJ score.

Data Issues
