Home > Codebook > Measures > Programming Levels, Activities and Privileges - Subject Release

Programming Levels, Activities and Privileges - Subject Release

This measure appears in the following time-points: Release.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

This section includes items covering several areas regarding privileges and restrictions within the facility. Introductory questions assess the presence of a system of phases or levels in the program. Follow-up questions obtain the frequency of privileges and restrictions during each of the three phases (when they first arrived, during the general stay, and during the last few weeks): receiving visits, room searches, strip searched, amount of time spent locked in their room, whether they are allowed various items in their rooms, and whether staff has ever opened their mail. Additional questions ask the adolescent if he/she had access to a library, religious services, music or art classes, and athletic teams or recreation classes during their stay.

Several scores are computed:

The following individual items are also available:

Data Issues
