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Perceptions of Chances for Success - Collateral Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Collat_baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Perceptions of Chances for Success measure (also called perceptions of opportunity) was adapted from the work of Menard & Elliott (1996) to assess the adolescent's prediction of his/her future adult success. In this section, the collateral is asked 7 questions which tap expectations regarding the subject's future success: Expectations for Work, Family, & Law (e.g., "What do you think X's chances are to earn a good living?"). Collaterals respond on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from "Not at all important/Poor" to "Very important/Excellent".

One overall score is computed:

The following individual items are also available:

Data Issues

The collateral version of this measure includes only a subset of the questions that are asked at the subject baseline and follow-ups. The subject measure includes two additional computed scores that cannot be computed here due to the differences in the questions asked ("Expectations for work, family and law" and "extent to which expectations fall short").
