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Parent Orientation - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Youths Parenting Orientation scale was adapted for this study from Silverberg and Steinberg's (1990) subscale of Adult Role Orientation. The questions are asked only of youth who report having a child. The scale is used to assess the participant's view of his/her role as a parent (e.g., "Fathers/Mothers my age should devote most of their time and energy to rearing their child/children") and the degree to which this role is pervasive in his/her life. The inventory is a 6-item scale that asks participants to rank from 1 to 4 (1= Agree Strongly to 4= Disagree Strongly) the degree that each statement corresponds to their view of parenthood, with higher scores indicating greater parent orientation.

A one-factor CFA model did not produce a satisfactory fit; therefore, measurement errors were allowed to covary in the hope of improving the fit. Two items were allowed to covary: s0pori1R (I talk mostly about my children when with others) and s0pori5R (Satisfaction in life comes from my role as a parent). The following values were produced from the baseline interview as the result of this strategy: alpha: .68; NFI: .90; NNFI: .98; CFI: .99; RMSEA: .03.

One score is computed from this measure:

Youth Parenting Orientation [S0parent]; mean of six items in the scale. Data must be contained in five of the six items in order to receive a computed mean.

Data Issues
