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Neighborhood Conditions - Collateral Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Collat12, Collat24, Collat36.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Neighborhood Conditions Measure was adapted for this study to assess the environment surrounding the adolescent's home (Sampson & Raudenbush, 1999). These items are asked of the collateral because at follow-ups the collateral is sometimes a parent and it is therefore assumed that he/she lives in the same neighborhood as the subject. However, if the collateral does not live in the same neighborhood as the subject, the section is skipped. Items from the measure tap physical disorder of the neighborhood (e.g., "cigarettes on the street or in the gutters," "graffiti or tags"), as well as social disorder (e.g., "adults fighting or arguing loudly," "people using needles or syringes to take drugs"). The scale contains 21 items to which the collateral responds on a 4- point Likert scale ranging from "Never" to "Often," with higher scores indicating a greater degree of disorder within the community. An additional item is included to determine the amount of time the collateral reporter spent in the subject's neighborhood over the past year, where responses range from "None of my time" to "All of my time."

If the youth is in a locked facility at the time of the interview, the neighborhood of focus for this interview is the address at which the youth lived prior to going into the facility.

We have computed three scales from the neighborhood conditions items:

The following item is also available for this measure:

Data Issues
