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Maturity of Judgment - Subject Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Follow06, Follow12, Follow18, Follow24, Follow30, Follow36, Follow48, Follow60, Follow72, Follow84.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Maturity of Judgment scale (MOJ) is a composite score developed by members of the working group to reflect a multifaceted maturity level. The composite score is computed based on the combined, standardized scores from the Psychosocial Maturity Inventory (PSMI), Future Outlook Inventory (FOI), Weinberger Adjustment Inventory (WAI) and Resistance to Peer Influence (RPI) scale (Steinberg, 2000). Specifically, the MOJ composite score represents a temperance score from the WAI (a combination of the suppression of aggression and impulse control subscales from this inventory), a perspective score from the WAI, future orientation score from the FOI, a responsibility scale from the PSMI and the Resistance to Peer Influence score. The maturity score is computed as both a continuous and discrete variable. This score is sample-specific so in lieu of a variable, we are providing step by step instructions for computing the composite score.

Computing the time point index:

Step 1: Within analytic data set (not the full sample, unless using the full sample) standardize each of the six measures at each time-point (i.e., PSMI, FOI, RPI, and three subscales of the WAI).

Step 2: Average the standardized suppression of aggression and impulse control subscales of the WAI to form temperance. Average the standardized total FOI and consideration of others scores from the WAI to form perspective. Average the standardized total PSMI and resistance to peer influence scores to form responsibility. This is done at each time-point to reflect the three domains of MOJ.

Step 3: If a single composite score reflecting the three components is desired, average the six items noted in Step 2.

Computing the yearly index:

If analyses are being conducted by age, the six month time-point interviews may need to be combined into annual assessments of maturity. Create the MOJ variables for the 48- through 84-month assessments using the steps listed above in the "time point index" section.

Step 1: Average the six individual assessments of MOJ across the six month assessments that make up the year (i.e., 6 month and 12 month; 18 month and 24 month; 30 month and 36 month). For example, to create annual assessments of the FOI inventory, average the FOI score from the 6 and 12 month (year 1 assessment), 18 and 24 month scores (year 2 assessment) and 30 and 26 month scores (year 3 assessments).

Step 2. Standardize the annual assessments of each of the six measures of MOJ within the analytic sample.

Step 3. Combine the standardized annual assessments of each of the six measures into the three measures of MOJ. Average the standardized annual suppression of aggression and impulse control subscales of the WAI to form temperance. Average the standardized annual total FOI and consideration of others scores from the WAI to form perspective. Average the standardized annual total PSMI and resistance to peer influence scores to form responsibility. This is done at each time-point to reflect the three domains of MOJ.
