Home > Codebook > Measures > Information Related to Pregnancy and/or Subject's Children - Subject Follow-up

Information Related to Pregnancy and/or Subject's Children - Subject Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Follow06, Follow12, Follow18, Follow24, Follow30, Follow36, Follow48, Follow60, Follow72, Follow84.

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Related Construct

Description of Measure

This section contains items related to the subject's status as a parent, descriptive information about his/her children and involvement with protective services. Specifically, the following areas are covered: current pregnancy status and status during the recall period, descriptive information for each of the subject's children (child's age, frequency of contact with the child, biological status, and whether the child lives with the subject). We also obtain information about the subject's contacts with child protective services regarding the subject's children or children in their care.

The following individual items are available:

Data Issues

Subject's Children

Pregnancy Status

For cases in all time-points and versions, a variable (S#Demo_PrgEndRP) is available that combines miscarriage, abortion and still birth.

In addition to the combined variable, cases completed with version 01.16 and later have a variable (S#Demo_Abortion) to indicate whether the pregnancy resulted in an abortion. Analytic questions that require knowledge of an abortion can only be done on this subset of cases.

Contacts with child protective services
