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Importance of Spirituality - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The Importance of Spirituality measure, developed by Maton (1989), is a highly reliable assessment of spirituality (Maton, Teti, Corns, Vieira-Baker, Lavine, Gouze, and Keating, 1996). The scale contains three items that ask participants to indicate how much their actions are influenced by belief in a god. Participants respond on a 5- point Likert scale ranging from "Not at all true" to "Completely true," with higher scores indicating a greater degree of spirituality. These three items are summed into a single scale score. Two additional items are included to evaluate the importance of one's religion (e.g., "How important has religion been in your life?"), as well as the participant's average yearly service attendance (e.g., "During the past year, how often did you attend church, synagogue, or other religious service?"). These are left as individual items.

The Importance of Spirituality measure was found to have good internal consistency at the baseline time-point (alpha = .88). In addition, a one-factor CFA model was fit to the data and produced an acceptable model: NFI.99; NNFI: .97; CFI: 99; RMSEA: .1

One score is computed:

The following individual items are also available for this measure.
