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Friendship Quality - Subject Baseline

This measure appears in the following time-points: Baseline.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

The items in the Friendship Quality scale are an adaptation of those included in the Quality of Relationships Inventory (Pierce, et al. 1994). The original scale was designed to measure interpersonal support from a single romantic partner but our adaptation changed the focus to a global rating regarding the youth's five closest friends (participant's are asked to average the rating across these closest friends). The scale contains 10 items which vary the context of support offered (e.g. "How much can you count on the people for help with a problem", "How close do you think you will be to these people in ten years" and "How much do you depend on these friends" ). The youth responds on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from "not at all" to "very much". These questions are supplemented by a separate measure focusing on the background of the subject's four closest friends, including history of arrest and mental health hospitalization (see the "Characteristics of Friends" measure).

A one-factor CFA model was fitted to the data. The model was satisfactory and produced the following values from the baseline time-point: alpha: .74; NFI: .94; NNFI: .95; CFI: .96; RMSEA: .04.

One summary score is computed:

Data Issues
