Home > Codebook > Measures > Demographics - Subject Follow-up

Demographics - Subject Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Follow06, Follow12, Follow18, Follow24, Follow30, Follow36, Follow48, Follow60, Follow72, Follow84.

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Related Construct

Description of Measure

This section contains items which are descriptive characteristics of the subject. Areas covered include: subject age, gender, site location as well as information regarding the death of a biological parent or primary caregiver during the recall period. This section also includes information regarding military services and voting.

Generally, items included in this section of the codebook are left as individual items. However, there are several computed variables based on these items.

The following individual items are also available:

Descriptive information regarding household composition, history of running away and items relating to the subject's home address can be found in the "Demographics" measure at Baseline, but for all follow-ups are located in the Living Calendar.

Data Issues
