Home > Codebook > Measures > Demographics - Collateral Follow-up

Demographics - Collateral Follow-up

This measure appears in the following time-points: Collat12, Collat24, Collat36.

Related Construct

Description of Measure

This section contains a series of items which are descriptive characteristics of both the subject as well as the collateral reporter. Areas covering the collateral reporter include: ethnicity, gender, relationship to the subject, amount of contact they have with the subject and whether they have lived with the subject in the past year. Areas covering the subject include: whether the subject has children and history of running away.

Generally, items included in this section of the codebook are left as individual items. However, there are several computed variables based on these items.

The following items relating to the collateral reporter are also available for this measure:

The following items relating to the subject based on the collateral report are available for this measure:

Data Issues
