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Out of Community Placements


Specific Information: Out of Community Placements

Self-reported participation in sanctions and interventions involves an assessment of both residential and community-based social services. This information was obtained using a modified version of the Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA) (Burns et al. 1992). The CASA was designed to assess the use of mental health and social services via self-report from youth age 8 to 18 and their parents. It explores services in both the justice (juvenile and adult systems) and mental health sectors.

The Pathways study asked participants if, during the recall period, they had an overnight stay in seven different types of placements: Drug/alcohol/detox unit, psychiatric/medical hospital, residential treatment unit or group home, foster home, detention/jail/secure facility, shelter, and any other type of placement (e.g., halfway house). These individual residential facilities were recoded into groups based on their general mission and target population. The groupings were derived from several discussions with service providers and policy-makers from both sites and other locales (including juvenile court service administrators, practitioners, lawyers and judges). These experts considered the seven general categories used in the CASA for residential placements as overly broad, and the groups were modified as a result. Juvenile court administrators and service providers from each site assisted in classifying particular facilities when their group membership was questionable. Ten categories of residential care settings were examined:

Specific timepoint information obtained for each facility

If an overnight stay was acknowledged, specific information was obtained, including:

Proportion of time in the community and facility

Additional variables summarizing the participant's time in a facility and on the streets are also computed. Because our subjects have recall periods that vary in length, it is important to consider the subject's time in a facility and time in the streets along a common metric. For this reason, a proportion score representing the subject's time in the streets and time in a facility is calculated for each recall period. There are two variations of these scores: one which includes all ten setting types and one which includes only stays in seven settings without access to the community (Drug/Alcohol, Psychiatric, Jail/Prison, Detention, Ydc/Adjc, Contracted Residential, and Contracted Residential Mental Health). The version of proportion score used should depend on which is more appropriate for the analytic question being explored. The following items are available at the recall, monthly and yearly levels:

The proportion scores were computed using the following steps:

Specific Information: Number of Periods Out of the Community

To assess the patterns of sanctions and interventions that involved removal from the community, we created a set of variables that reflect the number of distinct periods during which the youth was in an out-of-home placement for consecutive months, without time in the community. A full explanation of the coding rules implemented for the creation of these variables can be found in the detailed documentation for this calendar. The following variables are available:

Specific Information: Facility Stay Series

A separate dataset called the "Facility Stay Series" provides an overview of each individual stay reported by the subject through the end of 84months. A stay here is defined as a continuous run of months at a single facility. The stay begins in the month the subject first reports being at that facility and ends in the month where they no longer report being there (either because they moved to a different facility or because they were released to the community). A full explanation of the rules for creating these variables can also be found in the detailed documentation for this calendar. Each stay is characterized by a set of 62 variables:

Specific Information: Variables characterizing each month

This series of variables provides basic information related to the facility in which the subject had the longest stay, defined here as the "main facility", for each linear month. The following variables are available:

##Identifying facility code; whether the facility is a juvenile, adult or specialized setting, or community month; type of facility; and number of days spent at the facility

Additional sections related to this calendar

Other sections of the Sanctions and Interventions calendar offer variables that supplement the information contained herein (see "Calendar Data/Sanctions and Interventions" for additional codebook sections). Specifically:

Be sure to review the descriptions for each of these codebook sections in order to obtain a complete understanding of the information that we have available regarding sanctions and interventions.

Validity of self-report services data

As noted in Mulvey, Schubert and Chung (2007), we have reasonable confidence in the accuracy of the self-reported service data for two reasons. First, test-re-test reliability conducted by the authors of the CASA found very high reliability for reports of outpatient services (kappa = .8) and a moderate to high range of reliability (kappa = .6 to 1.0) for inpatient, out-of-home, and juvenile justice services (Ascher et al. 1996; Farmer et al. 1994) Our approach mirrors that used by these investigators, and we would expect our reliabilities to be about the same as a result.

Second, using official records in one of the data collection sites (the ProDES system in Philadelphia), we found high agreement between this information and the self-report data regarding the occurrence and timing of the receipt of residential services. The ProDES information system is a well-established and longstanding cooperative effort between the Philadelphia Department of Human Services and the Crime and Justice Research Center to track service involvement for youth in the juvenile justice system (Jones, Harris, and Fader 1999). We compared the ProDES reports of service involvement over a two-year period to our reports in the Pathways study data set for the sample used here. Our self-reported stays in settings other than jail and detention facilities (these are not covered by the ProDES system) were corroborated 96% of the time in the ProDES system (n=521). Conversely, of the participants who overlapped across the two studies, 97% of the stays recorded in ProDES were also present in our self-report data (n=343). In addition, there was high agreement about the timing of residential facility stays. We found 97% agreement regarding the intake and discharge month if we allowed for a two-month discrepancy in the reports (n=175) and 90% agreement if we allowed for only a one-month discrepancy (n=175). Although we do not have access to parallel validation data for the Maricopa County site, it seems reasonable that these results would generalize to the reports of service use from that site as well.

Descriptive Information: Monthly Data Characterizing the Recall Period

As a standard practice, the specific calendar information will be accompanied by two variables which describe the recall period. This information is important for the user to consider when attempting to use data characterizing the recall period (e.g., measures) in conjunction with the monthly-level calendar data. In addition, this information is useful if the user is viewing events from a developmental perspective. These variables include:

General Information: Use of monthly life calendar data

Data regarding the participant's self-reported residential stays is captured using a monthly life-calendar approach (Belli, 1998; Caspi, Moffitt, Thornton, & Freedman, 1996), where the research participant is provided with a visual calendar that contextualizes the recall of research data by anchoring information to salient events. Specifically, individuals are first asked to recount salient events which occurred in the recall period (e.g. birthdays, deaths) and this information remains visible to the participant as an anchor point for the timing of events in each of several life calendar domains. This approach thus creates an integrated view of activities in all of the domains examined, has firm roots in the science of how people remember events and life situations (Bradburn, Rips, and Shevell, 1987; Belli, 1998), and capitalizes on these processes to generate accounts of past events. On a practical level, it provides researchers with a richer set of data points. Instead of simply getting a summary measure of life changes over an extended recall period, the monthly life-calendar places these changes at specific points in time, opening up the possibility of examining sequences of events and potential causal mechanisms within individuals (Fals-Stewart, 2003; Mulvey, et al., 2006).

General Information: Conversion of data to linear months

The monthly Pathways data, in its raw form, is not suited for some kinds of analytic approaches (e.g., trajectory analysis). Each time point interview allows for a maximum of eight or 14 months in the recall period, depending on the follow-up wave (eight months was the maximum for time points 6-36 and 14 was the maximum for time points 48-84). This means that there is a corresponding variable in the dataset reflecting events occurring in each of those months through a maximum of 14 months (the outer limit of any of the possible months covered). If however, the recall period did not include the maximum number of months (as is most often the case), there will be variables with no data. For example, subject 1 has a recall period of five months for follow-up 12 so this means he/she will have data in five monthly variables but not in the remaining nine. Subject 2, has seven months in the recall period for follow-up 12 so he/she will have data in all but seven of the monthly variables. The recall length is set by programming code based on the current date in relationship to the date of the previous interview (see "Interview Information" under Measures for a more detailed description of how the length of the recall period is determined). However, the programming code did permit the interviewer to "reset" by hand the length of the recall period. This was done infrequently, but in some instances it created a situation where we obtained two reports of the same month. For example, follow-up 6 covered months January to June and the interviewer resets the follow-up 12 recall period to start with June (leading to two different reports for the month of June). A series of data cleaning decisions (described in the "Out of Community Placements Calendar Documentation") were implemented to correct these situations but we note them here because they are relevant to the conversion of the data to linear months.

The "linear months" data set-up corrects these two situations. The "linear months" data reformats the variables so that each variable is a sequential representation of life event data for each month of the research participant's life from the baseline interview forward. In this format, variables that were place-markers for months not covered in the recall period are eliminated and situations where there were two reports for the same month are corrected. Thus, "linear month 8" actually represents eight calendar months from the baseline and "linear month 16" is actually 16 months past the baseline interview.

A specific list of variables available in the linear format is provided below. Also provided is a "map" to link the linear month back to the recall period and month in which the information was originally collected. This is important to know when recall-level data is being used in conjunction with the monthly event calendar data.

Data Issues


Beginning with version 01.08 through the latest interview versions, the calendar was expanded to capture more specific monthly information about each facility in which the subject had an overnight stay (including whether they were released on a home pass that month), as well as information regarding the subject's experiences (feelings of safety, caring adults at the facility, etc.) and services they received during their stay (drug/alcohol treatment, group therapy, etc.).

In the follow06 timepoint, 425 cases were completed with an interview version of 01.07 or earlier; in the follow12 timepoint, there are 128 cases. All cases in follow18 and later were completed with an interview version of 01.08 or later.

Adult versus Juvenile Facilities

Identifying Facility Code

Street time Proportion Scores

This correction was made only to the computed sum of all days that is used in this proportion score; the actual number of days reported by the subject for each month was not changed. As a result, summing both the recall level and monthly level self-reported number of days will not necessarily equal the sum of all days (S#NDaysAllSettings) used for these proportion scores.

Facility Stay Series Dataset

For an overview and a detailed list of the questions included with this calendar please select the link(s). In addition to providing an overview of the "flow" of the calendar and a detailed listing of the questions, this document notes version issues (i.e. questions/variables that are only present for a sub-sample due to their later addition to the interview) and provides other information that is critical to using and interpreting the data correctly. The table below gives you an overview of issues related to each construct noted above and it also provides you with the page numbers within our detailed document that address each of these constructs. Please be sure to consider this information carefully before moving forward with your analysis.

Certain questions listed in the table below are asked once for each facility, however only the SPSS variable names specific to stays in drug or alcohol facilities will be listed as an illustrative example and to save space. The variable names for the remaining setting types follow the same naming convention, where the "DAXX" portion of the variable name will be replaced with the following:

Click here to download a detailed document in PDF format.

Description of Variable Variable Name Version Changes Page Number
Recall Level Items
By setting type
Had an overnight stay in a:
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DA_Stay 13-16
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#Psych_Stay 13-16
Foster home S#Foster_Stay 13-16
Shelter S#Shelter_Stay 13-16
Jail or prison S#JP_Stay 13-16
Detention center (juvenile) S#DetJ_Stay 13-16
Detention center (adult) S#DetA_Stay 13-16
YDC or ADJC S#YDC_Stay 13-16
Contracted residential S#CR_Stay 13-16
Contracted residential (mental health) S#CRMH_Stay 13-16
Other (juvenile) S#OtherJ_Stay 13-16
Other (adult) S#OtherACC_Stay 13-16
Stay in a facility of type unknown S#Unknown_Stay 13-16
Number of different facilities within each setting type
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DA_Num 16
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#Psych_Num 16
Foster home S#Foster_Num 16
Shelter S#Shelter_Num 16
Jail or prison S#JP_Num 16
Detention center (juvenile) S#DetJ_Num 16
Detention center (adult) S#DetA_Num 16
YDC or ADJC S#YDC_Num 16
Contracted residential S#CR_Num 16
Contracted residential (mental health) S#CRMH_Num 16
Other (juvenile) S#OtherJ_Num 16
Other (adult) S#OtherACC_Num 16
Stay in a facility of type unknown S#Unknown_Num 16
Total number of days
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DA_TotDays 31
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#Psych_TotDays 31
Foster home S#Foster_TotDays 31
Shelter S#Shelter_TotDays 31
Jail or prison S#JP_TotDays 31
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#Det_TotDays 31
YDC or ADJC S#YDC_TotDays 31
Contracted residential S#CR_TotDays 31
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMH_TotDays 31
Other (juvenile or adult) S#Other_TotDays 31
Rated helpfulness of the program
How much did you need this placement/service S#DA_Need, S#Psych_Need, S#JP_Need, S#Det_Need, S#YDC_Need, S#CR_Need, S#CRMH_Need, S#Other_Need 29
How much do you feel that this placement/service was helpful to you S#DA_Helpful, S#Psych_Helpful, S#JP_Helpful, S#Det_Helpful, S#YDC_Helpful, S#CR_Helpful, S#CRMH_Helpful, S#Other_Helpful 29
How much do you think the people at this placement were really trying to do their job of helping you out S#DA_Staff, S#Psych_Staff, S#JP_Staff, S#Det_Staff, S#YDC_Staff, S#CR_Staff, S#CRMH_Staff, S#Other_Staff 29
Street time proportions
Number of days in all setting types S#NdaysAllSettings 32, 33
Proportion of time in all settings S#PropTimeAllSettings 32, 33
Proportion of time on streets using all settings S#PropTimeStreets 32, 33
Number of days in settings without access to the community S#NdaysSecureSettings 32, 33
Proportion of time spent in settings without community access S#PropTimeSecureSettings 32, 33
Proportion of time on streets considering facilities without community access S#PropTimeStreetsSecure 32, 33
By facility
Identifying facility code
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_Code 17
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_Code 17
Foster home S#FosterXX_Code 17
Shelter S#ShelterXX_Code 17
Jail or prison S#JPXX_Code 17
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_Code 17
Contracted residential S#CRXX_Code 17
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_Code 17
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_Code 17
Setting group (adult, juvenile or specialized setting)
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_SettingGrp 19
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_SettingGrp 19
Foster home S#FosterXX_SettingGrp 19
Shelter S#ShelterXX_SettingGrp 19
Jail or prison S#JPXX_SettingGrp 19
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_SettingGrp 19
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_SettingGrp 19
Contracted residential S#CRXX_SettingGrp 19
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_SettingGrp 19
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_SettingGrp 19
Type of facility
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_Type 19
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_Type 19
Foster home S#FosterXX_Type 19
Shelter S#ShelterXX_Type 19
Jail or prison S#JPXX_Type 19
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_Type 19
Contracted residential S#CRXX_Type 19
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_Type 19
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_Type 19
Total number of days
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_TotDays 31
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_TotDays 31
Foster home S#FosterXX_TotDays 31
Shelter S#ShelterXX_TotDays 31
Jail or prison S#JPXX_TotDays 31
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_TotDays 31
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_TotDays 31
Contracted residential S#CRXX_TotDays 31
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_TotDays 31
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_TotDays 31
Number of times in and out
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_InOut X 20
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_InOut X 20
Jail or prison S#JPXX_InOut X 20
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_InOut X 20
Contracted residential S#CRXX_InOut X 20
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_InOut X 20
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_InOut X 20
Length of the longest stay
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_LongestStay X 21
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_LongestStay X 21
Foster home S#FosterXX_LongestStay X 21
Shelter S#ShelterXX_LongestStay X 21
Jail or prison S#JPXX_LongestStay X 21
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_LongestStay X 21
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_LongestStay X 21
Contracted residential S#CRXX_LongestStay X 21
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_LongestStay X 21
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_LongestStay X 21
Primary counselor
Primary counselor S#DAXX_PriCounsel 24
Frequency of meeting with primary counselor S#DAXX_PriCounsel_Num 24
Person helping with return to community
Have someone helping with making arrangements to return to community S#DAXX_CommReturn 25
Frequency of meeting with this person S#DAXX_CommReturn_Num 25
Safety Items
How safe feel from staff S#DAXX_Safe_Staff 25
How safe feel from others S#DAXX_Safe_Others 25
Overall safety (mean of the two items above) S#DAXX_safety 25
Caring Adults
Adults you admire/want to be like S#DAXX_Adult_Admire 26
Adults you can go to for advice S#DAXX_Adult_Advice 26
Adults you can talk to if in trouble S#DAXX_Adult_Trouble 26
Adults you can talk to about important decisions S#DAXX_Adult_Decision 26
Adults you can depend on for help S#DAXX_Adult_Help 26
Adults you feel comfortable talking to S#DAXX_Adult_Problems 26
Adults that care about your feelings S#DAXX_Adult_Feelings 26
Domains of social support (count of domains endorsed) S#DAXX_cadpre 26
Services received
Drug/alcohol treatment S#DAXX_DATx 26
Psychologist or psychiatrist S#DAXX_Psych 26
Group therapy S#DAXX_GrpTher 26
Priest, minister, clergy or healer S#DAXX_Priest 26
Family-based treatment S#DAXX_FamBased 26
Treatment on a mental health unit S#DAXX_MHUnit 26
Anger management or social skills S#DAXX_AngerMan 26
Job skills or vocational training S#DAXX_JobTrain 26
School or GED classes S#DAXX_School 26
Total number of services received, exclusive of job training S#DAXX_SvcsCount 33
Intensity of services: Number of sessions
Drug/alcohol treatment S#DAXX_DATx_Sessions 33
Psychologist or psychiatrist S#DAXX_Psych_Sessions 33
Group therapy S#DAXX_GrpTher_Sessions 33
Priest, minister, clergy or healer S#DAXX_Priest_Sessions 33
Family-based treatment S#DAXX_FamBased_Sessions 33
Mental health treatment S#DAXX_MHUnit_Sessions 33
Anger management or social skills S#DAXX_AngerMan_Sessions 33
Job skills or vocational training S#DAXX_JobTrain_Sessions 33
School or GED classes S#DAXX_School_Sessions 33
Total number of sessions across all services received S#DAXX_Total_Sessions 33
Intensity of services: Rate of receiving each service (sessions/day)
Drug/alcohol treatment S#DAXX_DATx_Rate 33
Psychologist or psychiatrist S#DAXX_Psych_Rate 33
Group therapy S#DAXX_GrpTher_Rate 33
Priest, minister, clergy or healer S#DAXX_Priest_Rate 33
Family-based treatment S#DAXX_FamBased_Rate 33
Treatment on a mental health unit S#DAXX_MHUnit_Rate 33
Anger management or social skills S#DAXX_AngerMan_Rate 33
Job skills or vocational training S#DAXX_JobTrain_Rate 33
School or GED classes S#DAXX_School_Rate 33
Total rate S#DAXX_Total_Rate 33
Helpfulness of each service
Drug/alcohol treatment S#DAXX_DATx_Helpful 27
Psychologist or psychiatrist S#DAXX_Psych_Helpful 27
Group therapy S#DAXX_GrpTher_Helpful 27
Priest, minister, clergy or healer S#DAXX_Priest_Helpful 27
Family-based treatment S#DAXX_FamBased_Helpful 27
Treatment on a mental health unit S#DAXX_MHUnit_Helpful 27
Anger management or social skills S#DAXX_AngerMan_Helpful 27
Job skills or vocational training S#DAXX_JobTrain_Helpful 27
School or GED classes S#DAXX_School_Helpful 27
Did they need the service
Drug/alcohol treatment S#DAXX_DATx_Need 27
Psychologist or psychiatrist S#DAXX_Psych_Need 27
Group therapy S#DAXX_GrpTher_Need 27
Priest, minister, clergy or healer S#DAXX_Priest_Need 27
Family-based treatment S#DAXX_FamBased_Need 27
Treatment on a mental health unit S#DAXX_MHUnit_Need 27
Anger management or social skills S#DAXX_AngerMan_Need 27
Job skills or vocational training S#DAXX_JobTrain_Need 27
School or GED classes S#DAXX_School_Need 27
Peer delinquency -- antisocial behavior (mean of 12 items) S#DAXX_prbehv 27
Any friends they will keep in touch with when they leave the facility S#DAXX_Friend_InTouch 28
Number of friends S#DAXX_Friend_InTouchNum 28
Planning for release
Is the subject still at the facility S#DAXX_StillAtFac X 28
Residents were encouraged to plan for the future S#DAXX_Plan_Encouraged 29
Staff help residents get jobs S#DAXX_Plan_StaffHelpJobs 29
Little emphasis on making plans for release S#DAXX_Plan_MakePlans 29
Staff help residents get into youth groups S#DAXX_Plan_YouthGroups 29
Facility emphasized training for new kinds of jobs S#DAXX_Plan_JobTrain 29
Staff help residents get into school S#DAXX_Plan_SchoolProg 29
Most people at the facility were more concerned with the past than the future S#DAXX_Plan_PastFuture 29
Before leaving we had to make specific plans S#DAXX_Plan_SpecificPlans 29
Future orientation of the program (mean of six items) S#DAXX_planning 29
Monthly Level Items
By setting type
Total number of days spent in all facilities of each type
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DA_NDays_M## 34
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#Psych_NDays_M## 34
Foster home S#Foster_NDays_M## 34
Shelter S#Shelter_NDays_M## 34
Jail or prison S#JP_NDays_M## 34
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#Det_NDays_M## 34
YDC or ADJC S#YDC_NDays_M## 34
Contracted residential S#CR_NDays_M## 34
Contracted residential (mental health) S#CRMH_NDays_M## 34
Other (juvenile or adult) S#Other_NDays_M## 34
Street time proportions
Number of days in all setting types S#NdaysAllSettings_M## 35, 36
Proportion of time in all settings S#PropTimeAllSettings_M## 35, 36
Proportion of time on streets using all settings S#PropTimeStreets_M## 35, 36
Number of days in settings without access to the community S#NdaysSecureSettings_M## 35, 36
Proportion of time spent in settings without community access S#PropTimeSecureSettings_M## 35, 36
Proportion of time on streets considering facilities without community access S#PropTimeStreetsSecure_M## 35, 36
By facility
Identifying facility code
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_Code_M## 35
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_Code_M## 35
Foster home S#FosterXX_Code_M## 35
Shelter S#ShelterXX_Code_M## 35
Jail or prison S#JPXX_Code_M## 35
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_Code_M## 35
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_Code_M## 35
Contracted residential S#CRXX_Code_M## 35
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_Code_M## 35
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_Code_M## 35
Number of days stayed overnight
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_NDays_M## 22
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_NDays_M## 22
Foster home S#FosterXX_NDays_M## 22
Shelter S#ShelterXX_NDays_M## 22
Jail or prison S#JPXX_NDays_M## 22
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_NDays_M## 22
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_NDays_M## 22
Contracted residential S#CRXX_NDays_M## 22
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_NDays_M## 22
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_NDays_M## 22
Number of days on home pass
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Jail or prison S#JPXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_HomePass_M## X 23
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Contracted residential S#CRXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_HomePass_M## X 23
Had a stay lasting 7 nights in a row
Drug/Alcohol facility S#DAXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Psychiatric hospital or unit S#PsychXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Foster home S#FosterXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Shelter S#ShelterXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Jail or prison S#JPXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Detention center (juvenile or adult) S#DetXX_Stay7_M## X 23
YDC or ADJC S#YDCXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Contracted residential S#CRXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Contracted residential (MH) S#CRMHXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Other (juvenile or adult) S#OtherXX_Stay7_M## X 23
Descriptive information regarding the recall period
Subject age at each month (truncated) S#SubjAge_M## 57
Subject age at each month (continuous) S#CTSubjAge_M## 57
Number of days covered in each month S#NDays## 57
Calendar month linked to each s#m# S#RealDate## 57
Cumulative variables (1yr, 2yr, 3yr, 4yr, 5yr, 6yr, 7yr)
Number of days covered in each yearly interval YearX_NDaysRP 37
Street time proportions
Number of days in all setting types YearX_NDaysAllSettings 37
Proportion of time in all settings YearX_PropTimeAllSettings 37
Proportion of time on streets using all settings YearX_PropTimeStreets 37
Number of days in settings without access to the community YearX_NDaysSecureSettings 37
Proportion of time spent in settings without community access YearX_PropTimeSecureSettings 37
Proportion of time on streets considering facilities without community access YearX_PropTimeStreetsSecure 37
Time spent in each setting type
Number of days spent in drug/alcohol facilities YearX_NDaysDA 38
Proportion of time spent in drug/alcohol facilities YearX_PropTimeDA 38
Number of days spent in psychiatric facilities YearX_NDaysPsych 38
Proportion of time spent in psychiatric facilities YearX_PropTimePsych 38
Number of days spent in foster homes YearX_NDaysFoster 38
Proportion of time spent in foster homes YearX_PropTimeFoster 38
Number of days spent in shelters YearX_NDaysShelter 38
Proportion of time spent in shelters YearX_PropTimeShelter 38
Number of days spent in jails/prisons YearX_NDaysJP 38
Proportion of time spent in jails/prisons YearX_PropTimeJP 38
Number of days spent in detention centers YearX_NDaysDet 38
Proportion of time spent in detention centers YearX_PropTimeDet 38
Number of days spent in YDC or ADJC facilities YearX_NDaysYdc 38
Proportion of time spent in YDC or ADJC facilities YearX_PropTimeYdc 38
Number of days spent in contracted residential (general) facilities YearX_NDaysCR 38
Proportion of time spent in contracted residential (general) facilities YearX_PropTimeCR 38
Number of days spent in contracted residential (mental health) facilities YearX_NDaysCRMH 38
Proportion of time spent in contracted residential (mental health) facilities YearX_PropTimeCRMH 38
Number of days spent in other facilities YearX_NDaysOther 38
Proportion of time spent in other facilities YearX_PropTimeOther 38
Distinct facility episodes
Known stays (includes known stays during missed interviews) Year7_TotalStaysK 42, 43
Reported stays (only stays reported in interviews) Year7_TotalStaysR 42, 43
Items available in the linear format
By setting type
Total number of days
Drug/Alcohol facility L##DA_NDays 39, 40
Psychiatric hospital or unit L##Psych_NDays 39, 40
Foster home L##Foster_NDays 39, 40
Shelter L##Shelter_NDays 39, 40
Jail or prison L##JP_NDays 39, 40
Detention center (juvenile or adult) L##Det_NDays 39, 40
YDC or ADJC L##Ydc_NDays 39, 40
Contracted residential L##CR_NDays 39, 40
Contracted residential (mental health) L##CRMH_NDays 39, 40
Other (juvenile or adult) L##Other_NDays 39, 40
Street time proportions
Number of days in all setting types L##NDaysAllSettings 39, 40
Proportion of time in all settings L##PropTimeAllSettings 39, 40
Proportion of time on streets using all settings L##PropTimeStreets 39, 40
Number of days in settings without access to the community L##NDaysSecureSettings 39, 40
Proportion of time spent in settings without community access L##PropTimeSecureSettings 39, 40
Proportion of time on streets considering facilities without community access L##PropTimeStreetsSecure 39, 40
Distinct Facility Episodes
Running count of known stays (includes known stays during missed interviews) L##NStaysK 42, 43
Running count of reported stays (includes only stays reported in interviews) L##NStaysR 42, 43
Characterizing Stays
Identifying code for the facility in which the subject spent a greater proportion of the month L##MainFac_FacCode 56
Setting group for the main facility L##MainFac_SettingGrp 56
Facility type of the main facility L##MainFac_Type 56
Number of days spent at the main facility L##MainFac_NDays 56
Items summarizing each month
Subject age at each month (truncated) L##SubjAge 57
Subject age at each month (continuous) L##CTSubjAge 57
Number of days covered in each month L##NDays 57
Calendar month linked to each s#m# L##RealDate 57
Recall period month (s#m#) mapped to linear month number (L##) L##TpMo 41
Facility Stay Series
Number of facility stays through 84months NStays 44
By facility
Identifying facility code FacCode## 44, 45
Marker indicating if facility is juvenile, adult or specialized service SettingGrp## 44, 45
Facility type FacType## 44, 45
Recall period (s#m#) month when stay begins TpMo_Begin## 44, 45
Recall period (s#m#) month when stay ends TpMo_End## 44, 45
Is there a gap month in this stay GapStay## 44, 45
Is there a homepass month in this stay Homepass## 44, 45
Length of stay
Number of actual (calendar) months in this stay NMonths## 44, 46, 47
Total number of reported days at the facility TotDays## 44, 46, 47
Primary counselor
Primary counselor PriCounsel## 44, 46, 47
How often met with primary counselor PriCounsel_Sessions## 44, 46, 48
Person helping with return to community
Have someone helping with making arrangements to return to community CommReturn## 44, 46, 48
Number of times met with release counselor CommReturn_Sessions## 44, 46, 48
Safety Items
Overall safety rating (mean of two items across the stay) safety## 44, 46, 49
Caring Adults
Adults you admire/want to be like Adult_Admire## 44, 46, 49
Adults you can go to for advice Adult_Advice## 44, 46, 49
Adults you can talk to if in trouble Adult_Trouble## 44, 46, 49
Adults you can talk to about important decisions Adult_Decision## 44, 46, 49
Adults you can depend on for help Adult_Help## 44, 46, 49
Adults you feel comfortable talking to Adult_Problems## 44, 46, 49
Adults that care about your feelings Adult_Feelings## 44, 46, 49
Domains of social support (count of domains endorsed) Cadpre## 44, 46, 49
Services received
Drug/alcohol treatment DATx## 44, 46, 50
Psychologist or psychiatrist Psych## 44, 46, 50
Group therapy GrpTher## 44, 46, 50
Priest, minister, clergy or healer Priest## 44, 46, 50
Family-based treatment FamBased## 44, 46, 50
Treatment on a mental health unit MHUnit## 44, 46, 50
Anger management or social skills AngerMan## 44, 46, 50
Job skills or vocational training JobTrain## 44, 46, 50
School or GED classes School## 44, 46, 50
Received mental health treatment (combines psychologist, group therapy, family-based treatment, and treatment on a mental health unit) MHTx## 44, 46, 52
Received any skills/competency based services (combines anger management, job skills, and school) SK## 44, 46, 52
Received any case management services (combines primary counselor and release counselor) CM## 44, 46, 53
Intensity of services: Number of sessions
Drug/alcohol treatment DATx_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Psychologist or psychiatrist Psych_sessions## 44, 46, 50
Group therapy GrpTher_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Priest, minister, clergy or healer Priest_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Family-based treatment FamBased_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Treatment on a mental health unit MHUnit_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Anger management or social skills AngerMan_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Job skills or vocational training JobTrain_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
School or GED classes School_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Total number of sessions across all types of services received Total_Sessions## 44, 46, 50
Mental health treatment (combines psychologist, group therapy, family-based treatment, and treatment on a mental health unit) MHTx_Sessions## 44, 46, 52
Skills/competency based services (combines anger management, job skills, and school) SK_Sessions## 44, 46, 52
Intensity of services: Rate of receiving each service (sessions/day)
(Denominator for Rates) Number of days across all valid timepoints RateDenom## 44, 46, 51
Drug/alcohol treatment DATx_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Psychologist or psychiatrist Psych_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Group therapy GrpTher_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Priest, minister, clergy or healer Priest_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Family-based treatment FamBased_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Treatment on a mental health unit MHUnit_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Anger management or social skills AngerMan_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Job skills or vocational training JobTrain_Rate## 44, 46, 51
School or GED classes School_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Rate of sessions across all types of services received Total_Rate## 44, 46, 51
Mental health treatment (combines psychologist, group therapy, family-based treatment, and treatment on a mental health unit) MHTx_Intensity## 44, 46, 52
Skills/competency based services (combines anger management, job skills, and school) SK_Intensity### 44, 46, 52
Peer delinquency - Antisocial behavior (mean of 12 items) prbehv## 44, 46, 53
Planning for release
Future orientation of the program (mean of 6 items) Planning## 44, 46, 53
Additional Information
A marker to indicate if additional sources (study tracking website, living calendar, or release calendar) contain data that is not represented on the services calendar Additional_Information 44, 46, 53
Additional sections supplement this calendar. Refer to the codebook section for each listing for more information
Demographics -- contains subject age at the time of the interview
Official Court Record Information -- contains a monthly plotting of arrests based on official record information. This can be found under the "Measures" section of the Measures codebook.
Community Based Services -- contains information regarding services the subject received while in the community, including the frequency of each service, focus (d/a treatment, anger management/social skills training), and circumstances (whether the service was court-ordered, whether the youth attended alone or with family). This can be found under the "Sanctions and Interventions" section of the Calendar codebook.
Court Monitoring Services -- contains information regarding four types of court monitoring, including probation/parole, community intensive supervision, drug court programs, and court-ordered programs. This can be found under the "Sanctions and Interventions" section of the Calendar codebook.
Contacts with the Justice System -- contains information regarding five different types of contact with the legal system, including whether the youth was picked up by the police, arrested and charged, had a court appearance, received a summons, or received police or court assistance as the victim of a crime. This can be found under the "Sanctions and Interventions" section of the Calendar codebook.
Medication -- contains information regarding prescription medication the subject has taken for emotional and/or behavioral problems, as well as information regarding medication compliance. This can be found under the "Sanctions and Interventions" section of the Calendar codebook.
Interview Information -- contains variables that describe basic information related to the interview, such as interview completion status, interview date, version, and number of months and days covered by the recall period. This can be found under the "Interview Information" section of the "Measures" codebook.
